BEAM 2025 Call for Presenters
BEAM 2025 Proposal Timeline DEADLINE EXTENDED!!!
Proposal Submission: Dec. 1, 2024 - Jan. 17, 2025 Jan. 24, 2025
Proposal Notifications scheduled to be sent: by Feb. 22, 2025
Action Item: Accepted presenters must confirm by Feb. 25, 2025
Presenter Registration Deadline: by March 10, 2025
Notification of Schedule: by March 15, 2025
Call for proposals to present! Please consider sharing your expertise in teaching strategies, projects, and collaborations that make an impact in the success of emergent bilingual students. We encourage teachers, specialists, librarians, counselors, interventionists, instructional coaches, university personnel/students, and administrators to apply!
Thank you for your service to the field!
For questions, please contact and include a phone number where you can be reached:
Tami Sanchez, President, tamara.sanchez@gpisd.org
Esperanza Hilts, President-Elect, support@beamdfw.org
The BEAM Symposium for Bilingual/ESL Educators will take place on Saturday, April 5, 2025 at Creekview High School in Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD.
Please review the following guidelines to assist you in preparing your proposal.
Submit a Proposal
Each presentation may include up to two presenters: a Lead Presenter and a Co-Presenter. Both presenters will receive the presenter registration rate and be listed in the program. Additional presenters are welcome to participate; however, they will not qualify for the presenter rate or be included in the program listing.
A strand refers to a topic or content area. Review the strands and select the one which best matches the content of your proposal.
Advocacy and Policy
Instructional Coaching
Culturally Relevant Pedagogy
EBs with Multiple Needs
Instructional Practices in Dual Language
Instructional Practices in ESL
Parent, Family, and Community Engagement
Pre-Service Teachers
Research Studies (focus on BE/ESL)
Self-Care for Educators
Social Emotional Learning
Technology Integration
Please note: Audience engagement should be integrated into all session types. Presenters may consult notes but should avoid reading to create a dynamic session.
Academic Presentation - 45 minutes
Oral presentations that may be delivered individually or as part of a group discussion. Presenters share their ideas, experiences, and perspectives gleaned from their research, practice, or policy background and/or focus. These sessions provide the audience with ample opportunities for participation and engagement, and they serve as springboards stimulating further discussion, dialogue, reflection, and action. Presenters may submit a joint proposal focusing on two related techniques, issues, practices, or research projects.
Independent Consultants: All consultant sessions should be professional development sessions for our members focused on strategies, collaborations, best practices, etc. Just as with any session, your contact information may be shared at the conclusion. If you are promoting a product or service you will need to submit the Sponsor/Commercial Session instead.
Sponsor/Commercial Presentation - 45 minutes
This presentation type should be selected if you are a 2025 Symposium Sponsor. In addition to promoting your product/service, these sessions should provide the audience with useful information.
Commercial proposals submitted as academic proposals will be marked not eligible and will not be considered.
Presentation Title
This title will be used in the program book. Your presentation title must adhere to the following guidelines:
15-word max
Title MUST be in English.
Do NOT use all caps.
Do NOT use special characters in your title. (accent marks, non-English characters, etc.)
Presentation Description
The attendees will use your session title and description in the Program Book to decide whether to attend your session. The session abstract should:
Describe the content of your session as clearly and as succinctly as possible.
Highlight what attendees should expect to take away from the session.
Your presentation description must adhere to the following guidelines:
40-50 words
Please submit a description that is between 40-50 words as this will ensure uniformity for the program. Chat GPT is a great tool to use to increase or decrease your word count, if needed.
Use present tense
Do NOT use all caps
***Please note: your description will appear in the conference program as is; be sure to proofread your work.***
Presentation Abstract
The session description is your opportunity to explain your vision for your presentation. Reviewers will see its clarity as a reflection of the proposal’s overall quality.
Your description should include:
A clearly stated purpose and point of view with supporting details and examples.
Evidence of knowledge of current theory, practices, research and/or policy.
An outline of the session with an appropriate amount of content for the allotted time.
Activities, visuals, or other techniques to engage the audience (and be sure that they are appropriate for the session type, e.g., dialogue, teaching tip, or presentation).
A clear indication of the target educational context(s) and student population(s).
Your presentation abstract must adhere to the following guidelines:
300-word max
Abstract must be in English.
Do NOT use all caps.
Do NOT use special characters in your abstract. (accent marks, non-English characters, etc.)
**Please proofread your work before submitting; incorrect spelling, grammar and punctuation
will result in a lower overall score in the peer review.**
Target Audience
Please consider the settings or audiences your proposal most closely addresses and select one or two of the following
PreK - K
Higher Education
Campus/District Administrators